Leaders are worst, because peoples are worst

When corrupt people choose corrupt leaders, justice is brought by the God as said and repeated in this versus.

So We sent upon them the storm and locusts and lice and frogs and blood, as signs distinct from each other. Yet they showed arrogance, and they were a guilty people.

Quran 7:133

We are already or about to witness Pandemic… Flood… Cyclone… Locust… Famine… Earthquake………

After COVID-19 pandemic there will be a rebound, but how ?

Until few months back everything was normal and they were in up direction,

Wealthy became more wealthy
Powerful became super powerful
Humans were aiming for Planet Mars and beyond
Stocks were making people rich

And corona pandemic has intervened all came to halt (suddenly the party was over), except medical science which is in central stage. Corona pandemic threatened everybody’s life like a nuclear war on a particular zone. I doubt that no nuclear war can shake the whole world at once like the corona virus could do now.

I came across frequent articles from news websites and experts stating that

there will be a rebound after every pandemics

So I spent some time to understand how the rebound will happen when people are dying/suffering. my findings are here.

Continue reading “After COVID-19 pandemic there will be a rebound, but how ?”

Evolution of COVID-19 virus Name and India

Dec 2019: UNKNOWN VIRUS causes respiratory illness with flu like symptoms infected some peoples in Wuhan, China

Jan 2020: The U.S. President — have called it the “China virus” or the “Wuhan virus”

Feb 2020: the World Health Organization (WHO) officially name the virus as SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19

Apr 2020: But here in India BJP Govt, Media’s and its Islamophobic allies name it as #CoronaJihad and #TablighiJamatVirus


PM Modi unexpectedly announced its coronavirus lockdown

Continue reading “Evolution of COVID-19 virus Name and India”

#NoBailIn – Money in your bank account is not yours

The government is tabling a new law in Parliament that will allow a government entity to use depositors money to save a bank on the verge of bankruptcy.

Our hard earned money that we have saved for our children and for our future will be used to ‘Bail-In’ the banks.

This “Bail-in” provision means that say you have 10 lakhs in your account and if the bank is in trouble, it can reduce your 10 lakhs to 1 lakh, and the bank can use the remaining 9 lakhs to save itself.

Signed the petition #NoBailIn : https://www.change.org/p/arun-jaitley-do-not-use-innocent-depositors-money-to-bail-in-mismanaged-banks-nobailin?utm_medium=email&utm_source=petition_signer_receipt&utm_campaign=triggered&share_context=signature_receipt&recruiter=48519054

Lingayat faith

Karnataka has 1.5 crore people of the Lingayat faith. The sect is called Veerashaiva-Lingayat. It is made up of Veerashaivas, who follow Basavanna and other saints, they worship Hindu Gods. Lingayats only follow Basavana. They say they are not Hindus and now want recognition for their religion. This election all parties face a divided community confronting difficult choices – should they vote for a fellow Lingayat or go with the spirit of Basavanna? If BJP with Hindutva as their political cannot accommodate the aspirations of the followers of Basavanna, can the Congress or the JD (S), be the party of Basavanna? That Kannadigas are now seeing the election as a battle of ideas is due to the ground laid by the work and lives of intellectuals like Kalburgi and Lankesh.

I Am a Troll – Book on BJP’s Troll Army

Social media in India is awash with right-wing trolls who incite online communal tension and abuse and sexually harass journalists, opposition politicians and anyone who questions them. But who are they? Why do they do what they do? And how are they organized? In this explosive investigation conducted over two years and including interviews with top politicians, bureaucrats, marketeers and trolls, Swati Chaturvedi finally lifts the veil over this murky subject. Riveting, urgent and deeply shocking, I Am a Troll is an essential read.